Monday 1 November 2010

spooky shit man

well that's halloween done.  i forgot to get a pumpkin and wouldn't let the kids trick or treat cos it's basically doorstep begging bordering on harassment (IMO) plus i'm not fucking traipsing round the streets in the dark in october for anyone. not even my children what i do love...

but i painted their faces scary and we went to my sisters and they did apple bobbing (thus rendering the face paints on the bottom half of their faces pointless) and they made chocolate apples on sticks.  so they were happy.

i'm in 2 minds about halloween.  on the one hand i think it's just a bit of fun - and i remember some fucking ACE costumes from halloween night at the campbell when i was an underage drinker.  heavy metal people make the best halloween costumes.

but recently it seems to bring out all the people (according to every single news bulletin yesterday) who are "real" witches, who are all claiming to be "real" and "witches" only it's now called wiccan and they dance round stone circles wearing cloaks and chanting and all that.  which (hehe) i'm really sorry but it all just seems a bit too much like born again christians to me.  i don't understand how people "get" a religion - being areligious...  i can understand if you're brought up in a religious environment, but not going through most of your life one thing and then going oh i'm this now.  i like the wiccan religion more than other religions - it's got a good basis for living in it - and i'm all for remembering people once they're gone and celebrating the change of the season (i tend to do this with food rather than chanting myself).  but i dunno it all just seems a bit forced to me.  cos it's cool and different.  maybe i'm just a cynic eh.  hehe.  

i have been called a witch on occasion however.  i like to think of myself more of this kind of witch

actually - scrap that - this kind of witch

hoorayyyy :)

than this kind of witch

faaackin loving the new pic inserting function btw. nice one blogger :)

so really as far as i can see - halloween is good for one thing and one thing only.  it's an excuse to watch this. which i didn't actually watch this year but that's another story...


  1. It gets dark early now. I popped out in the dark to walk the dogs yesterday evening, completely forgetting it was Halloween. We hadn't quite reached the Red Arrow when I caught a glimpse of a small crowd of shadowy figures moving towards us from another road. I thought "oh, no, Trick or Treaters", so we took a diversion around the back of the pub. But as we emerged and crossed the road, the shadowy group came into view and crossed in the same direction as us. I thought "do I have any sweets on me? No, of course I don't". We walked on slightly faster. I could hear the shuffling footstep getting closer from behind, as we went through a dark entry that opened into the next estate. Then one of the dogs wanted to squat on the grass verge and do what dogs do. I was now a captive victim as I waited. "Shit" I thought (which was somewhat appropriate, as it happens) and I hurriedly groped about in my pockets to see what coins I had. Maybe a couple of pound coins, and "yes!" some much smaller ones, probably twentys, one pences and fives. "Good, shouldn't be too expensive." I was hoping the dogs wouldn't panic as the figures caught up with us and do whatever monsters will do. Black cloaks, pointy hats, pointy stick things and very nasty faces were suddenly upon us. I turned a little sideways, rather than face them head on, and I pulled the dogs back close to me to give them confidence. The group formed into single file as they shuffled past uttering oaths such as "thank you", "sorry" and "'scuse me", and they mysteriously dissolved into the dark ahead. I could hear shrieks ahead a little later, but I saw nothing. Things ain't wot they used to be.

  2. hahaha that made me laugh out loud really :)
