Friday 22 October 2010

going with the flow

well everyone else is blogging goddammit so i thought i would too...
bloody saz & her 30 day challenge. hope that link works cos it's been a long old while since i messed about on tinternet.

i spent some time a while ago thinking in blog. is that just me? anyway i forgot all the things i was thinking about but the intention was there i just didn't actually get as far as putting fingers to keyboard.

i changed my layout / blog title / stuck in some fancy pants stuff just for the hell of it / changed my occupation to "dosser". i'd like a job. a job would be nice...

it occurred to me recently that if i'd gone for an assistant librarian position 6 years ago (3 gsce's required), instead of doing a whole bleeding degree - i'd probably be more likely to get a librarian job now. such is life...

i also should have changed to do the fun media degree that i wanted to do in the 2nd year rather than continue with the librarian degree cos i thought i'd end up with a job. i really don't like this government. i wasn't that keen on the last one either...

it's not easy looking for public sector work in the northwest of england - let alone something close to home that is minimal travel so i can be around for the kids.

so i'm having a rethink. i don't want to be a teacher cos other people's kids make me shudder in general. i'd rather not go back to admin work if i can possibly help it cos it makes my brain want to fall out my ears...

i think i'm going to try and do a PhD. i've been told i can apply for a studentship - it's not guaranteed and it rests on me having a "strong proposal". which i'm working on. but i think it'd be a good thing to do. although part of me thinks that PhD's are things that people do when they can't get a proper job...

so that might happen. i'm beginning to feel as though i'm never going to be a librarian. which is a shame cos i think i'd have made a good librarian. SHHHH. see?

but hey life's all about being flexible and going with the flow. i've been trying this for years.

a going with the flow image


  1. I'll be your first follower, because I can. And as this is a go with the flow type post, I'll say, take it easy :)

  2. Hooray for blogging and hooray for you thinking of doing a PhD. A few months ago I was thinking of doing one, but I'm not now.
    I may have to set up a fancy blog like this one rather than just using my notes pages in FB. I just don't want it to get into the wrong hands.

  3. thanks carl i'm trying my best to take it easy :) haha

    vic set up a blog like this - the gadgets alone are worth it :) did you notice my shoe slideshow? hehe and the fishes do follow the mouse arrow. small things please small minds :) :)

  4. Gee everyone is blogging now, its getting so commerical.

  5. Yes - about time!!! This is going to be good. I think many people will be interested in the wise ramblings of Josie...
