Wednesday 21 October 2009

week 1

i'm following the same procedure as my LPD blog except it won't be about LPD. well some of it might be but i doubt it. if you want to see my less interesting LPD blog then please click on this sentence.

the idea is you do one blog a week - 100 words about LPD and 100 words about something else academic and it's got to include an image of whatever. i'm doing 100 words not about LPD and then 100 words about something else not LPD and including an image. i think i can commit to one a week. poss...

i'm not doing dead on 100 words of anything in either blog cos as far as i can see there's no word count and i'm not counting words on screen. i have a life...

anyway i'm thinking i said this was going to be a more interesting blog and so far it's not. well it is but only by LPD standards. LPD stands for learning professional development. this is about getting a career - i'm hoping to get one soon. anyway it's a course i have to do for my degree and part of it is blogging and i like blogging. even if it's just 200 words about nothing...