Thursday, 28 October 2010


the trouble is with blogging is needing something interesting to talk about. db does it well. so does jaye. i heart sara's blog, and i've just got into this blog. oh and ellie posted a link on my fb to hers recently which i think is v good too.

anyone else wants a shout let me know :)

but when you're a boring housewife - what's interesting to talk about? dear blog i got up and then i ironed because dylan insisted on not having creased clothes again and then i cleaned up the kitchen and then i did the washing and then i went on fb and posted this cos it made me laugh. and then i made cupcakes cos my friend louise is coming round later and she requested cake and now they're cooling before i let the kids loose with the icing... and i'm typing this while i listen to a combination of tenacious d and rose singing woof tweet woof tweet baa baa baa.

gosh. i know. i can hardly contain myself as well.

better to stick to opinion blogging maybe - it's what i did on myspaz... but i'm fairly sure i covered all my opinions over there hahaha

so what do you say? i could talk about how happy i am these days - i think misery is a more interesting subject matter though :)

i know i could talk about shoes :) :)


actually right now i'm wearing a pair of flat black boots that i bought from bury market which aren't gorgeous or glam at all. i got them for the winter cos i'm sick of not being able to walk anywhere... it was pointed out to me by the man that makes me happy that it's better to be comfortable than shithotsexy. goddammit he was right :( fuck i'm in sensible shoes. and short. but they dooo kickass cos they remind me of my paraboot days. hey a girl can have layers right...

i still love shithotsexy shoes though. i bought 2 pairs recently - one was a pair of grey boots from office which are fucking gorgeous and one was a pair of pink irregular choice shoes which i'm saving for a v v special occasion :)

i can't walk in the grey boots though. not v far anyways. they doo look good though i might suffer when i go shopping tomorrow in em. fuckit right you only live once. a wise man once told me to think walk through the pain walk through the pain walk through the pain. he wore stilettos regularly which is all good cos he knew what he was on about.

i found the pic at the top while i was looking for a pic of my boots. they're yummy aren't they. i might have to invest...

Saturday, 23 October 2010

being thrifty in nettos


this morning i had to go shopping in netto with the child tax credits. my lovely nearly 17 year old niece won't be caught dead in netto. to be honest it does seem to be where all the alkys in town go to die. usually in the checkout queue... ffs... i saw a discarded can of special brew just outside today. obvs it was empty...

but it's bastard cheap. and as we appear to be what the media terms as "on the breadline", nettos is necessary. i don't feel like we're part of the poorest people in society - we've got sky tv hd, the internet, a piano in the dining room. but i saw a bbc report a while back where it was talking to a "poor" family who actually turned out to earn more than we do :(

never mind eh. poor mums shop at netto hehe

actually it's not bad for stuff like fruit & veg where the prices are silly low - i think it's cos no one buys em so they're trying to make em look attractive. i know i know - stereotyping netto shoppers but i always check out other people's trolleys in supermarkets. it's one of the fun things about supermarket shopping. and then i feel all "good mummy" about my veg / fresh meat / mostly healthy laden trolley (or basket if i can't afford the quid for the trolley like today).

but roll on payday next week so i can go to sainsburys hahahaha

Friday, 22 October 2010

going with the flow

well everyone else is blogging goddammit so i thought i would too...
bloody saz & her 30 day challenge. hope that link works cos it's been a long old while since i messed about on tinternet.

i spent some time a while ago thinking in blog. is that just me? anyway i forgot all the things i was thinking about but the intention was there i just didn't actually get as far as putting fingers to keyboard.

i changed my layout / blog title / stuck in some fancy pants stuff just for the hell of it / changed my occupation to "dosser". i'd like a job. a job would be nice...

it occurred to me recently that if i'd gone for an assistant librarian position 6 years ago (3 gsce's required), instead of doing a whole bleeding degree - i'd probably be more likely to get a librarian job now. such is life...

i also should have changed to do the fun media degree that i wanted to do in the 2nd year rather than continue with the librarian degree cos i thought i'd end up with a job. i really don't like this government. i wasn't that keen on the last one either...

it's not easy looking for public sector work in the northwest of england - let alone something close to home that is minimal travel so i can be around for the kids.

so i'm having a rethink. i don't want to be a teacher cos other people's kids make me shudder in general. i'd rather not go back to admin work if i can possibly help it cos it makes my brain want to fall out my ears...

i think i'm going to try and do a PhD. i've been told i can apply for a studentship - it's not guaranteed and it rests on me having a "strong proposal". which i'm working on. but i think it'd be a good thing to do. although part of me thinks that PhD's are things that people do when they can't get a proper job...

so that might happen. i'm beginning to feel as though i'm never going to be a librarian. which is a shame cos i think i'd have made a good librarian. SHHHH. see?

but hey life's all about being flexible and going with the flow. i've been trying this for years.

a going with the flow image