Monday 10 January 2011


i'm not a fan.

a) it's cold.
b) it's dark
c) it's skint
d) the only things to look forward to involves continuing to be skint due to most of my family seeming to have birthdays between now and bleeding april...
e) i'm on a diet... again...

i heard on the radio in december that some statistic of women put on a stone over xmas - so i decided i'd  enjoy xmas this year & eat what i wanted & then lose the resulting stone in the ny. so now i'm being all good & eating sensible food in sensible portions and not snacking and health health health & all...

it just all goes to make january that little bit less fun innit. & i know i should be all upbeat & ooh it's a new year but i did that 10 days ago already... now it's just january... this blog says we should beat the january blergh. well no actually i'm happy in my wallowing. i refuse to be upbeat. upbeat is for may or june when the sun is sheeining and i'll poss have a job & the world will hopefully be a better place.


gawd i'm depressing myself even more with this blog. i think i'll go and wander aimlessly round the house until it's time for the sch run.  i need a job...


  1. All the ads are on for summer holiday bookings - who has the money to book these now?

  2. With you on the health kick... but it is my Birthday and nearly the end of winter, longer days now going forward!!!

  3. It's spring now I hope you feel better.
